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Congenital Hairy Nevus

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Congenital Nevus in simple words is a large mole that some children are born with. The hyper activity of pigment producing cells that give skin its colour can be one of the causes of Nevus. Congenital Nevus can be of variety of size and shapes ranging from less than 1 cm to larger than 20 cms at times. These moles often have thicker skin and colour patterns different than body skin. Excess hair growth is very common on the spot and thus Congenital Nevus is also called Congenital Hairy Nevus. Though it can occur on any part of the body; face, scalp, back, hips, buttocks are frequent areas. There is rare possibility of cancer development. If left untreated, Congenital Hairy Nevus can worsen as child reaches puberty.

Surgery to remove Congenital Hairy Nevus not only removes it in its’ entirety but also provides patients uniform and smooth skin.


Surgery to remove Congenital Hairy Nevus is done for both medical as well as cosmetic reasons. The surgery is highly individualized as size, shape and affected area varies widely from patient to patient. There are many techniques used to remove Congenital Hairy Nevus such as serial excision, tissue expansion, skin graft etc. Your surgeon will recommend the technique most suitable for you / your child. Occasionally, if the size of the Nevus is very big, your surgeon may recommend a staged approach to removal of Nevus and restoration of skin.


Surgery to remove Congenital Hairy Nevus will help achieve following.

  • Complete removal of Nevus
  • Smoother and more natural looking skin

What about scars?

Scars are an inevitable part of any invasive surgery. Your surgeon will endeavor to minimize scarring. Scars usually fade with time and become barely noticeable. Please discuss about scars with your surgeon.

Risks/ Complications

Surgery to remove Congenital Hairy Nevus is generally safe though following potential complaints, risks and complications may occur.

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising, swelling & pain
  • Nausea
  • Numbness

In rare cases, as with all surgical procedures, revision surgery may be necessary to correct minor irregularities.

Care after treatment/ surgery

Immediately following surgery, your surgeon will use bandages to cover the wound which will support natural healing process, minimize bruising and swelling. Hand restraints may also be advised so that child does not scratch the wound or pull the bandage out. Parents play an important role in post-surgery healing process and it is important to follow surgeon’s instructions for quicker recovery and healing.


Costs for individual procedures will vary widely based on the procedure & hospital chosen for surgery but usually involves following.

  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Hospital facility charge
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Medical tests, medicines

If revision surgery is needed in a rare case, your surgeon will not charge Surgeon’s fee but other costs will have to be borne by patient as applicable. 

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